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How To Draw Panda Bear From We Bare Bears

Today, we are going to show you how to draw Panda bear from We Bear Bears. One of the main characters of We Bare Bears is Panda Bear, who is adored by many. Described as “the link that holds them all together,” he occupies the middle brother position. Panda has a creative, sensitive, and theatrical personality, with a deep affinity for Asian culture, technology, and the arts. Panda Bear stands out due to its characteristic black and white fur and the distinctive black marks surrounding its eyes. This tutorial is ideal for you if you are eager to learn how to draw pandas. Grab your pencil, follow our guide on how to draw Panda bear, and start drawing.


How to Draw Panda Bear

Step 1 – Drawing the eyes and the nose

Panda Bear Drawing Step 1

We start by drawing in the patches or the spots around the eyes. We start with the one on the left and basically this is like an oval squashed in and sort of turned over on the side a little bit. We are going to start at the very top. Again, we are going to draw that sort of elongated oval and turn it on that side. Start from the top, curve around to the bottom then back up to the top again.  Let’s draw the pupil. So, it is basically a little tiny dot. Just draw a dot like us. Move over to the right side, we are going to draw another oval. But we are going to tilt it. Starting from the top, we are going to come down a little bit lower than the top left eye. 

We are going to draw an oval. So, turn on its side. Come around. We are going to draw a little pupil. It is a little tiny dot now. We are going to come down from that eye. We are going to draw a nose. It is also turned over on the side a little bit. So, it is not horizontal that way. It is going to be turned a little bit, just underneath the eye. Start from the top, curve around, and finish that off. We are going to color that black.

Step 2 – Drawing the head

Panda Bear Drawing Step 2

From there, let’s go ahead and draw in the front part of the face. Now, we have the eyes and the nose. The chin will come down. What we are going to do is to start from the side of the eye on the left. Round out and then just come straight in towards my finger. It is kind of a nice curve. It straightens out at the end. From there, we are going to go to the top of the head. Next, draw the round part of the head. So, we got a big head that goes to the back. It is almost like a perfect circle. We are going to start up. Go up on the top of the head. Then, start on the side of the eye and curve up. Now, we are going to round out the top of the head.

Come to the back and we are going to have to stop because we are going to have to put an ear on top of this head. Do an overlap there and just draw a curve going up to the top of the ear, then back down. Connect those two points with a curve that goes downward. We are going to put another ear on the back. So, this one gets tucked in behind the head. Curve around and tuck that in behind the head. We are going to continue this line. Imagine it going behind the ear. But we want to bring this back to the back of the neck. So, we curve around and bring this to the back of the neck. Let’s connect those two points with a curve that comes back up. And we can locate the mouth in between the nose and the neck. Draw a downward curve. So now, we have the head.

Step 3 – Drawing the body

Panda Bear Drawing Step 3

Now, we can figure out the body. So, the body is a little bit longer than the head. We are going to go to the front down the neck. We do a curve down towards the front of the leg. Curve out and then right into my finger, we are going to go to the back and do the same thing. But, in the opposite direction, we are going to leave enough space to put the leg. We are going to curve around. We are going to stop just about there. You can always fill in the gaps if you need to. From the front, we are going to draw a curve.

Step 4 – Drawing the legs

Panda Bear Drawing Step 4

Let’s draw a curve for the front of the leg. Then, for the front of the toe, we are just going to draw a tiny curve. Come around and we will curve this all the way to the back of the heel.  Come all the way back. Now, from there, we are going to curve all the way up. So, we do not want to pass this line there. So, we are just going to curve up. And, it looks like we might have to close this gap off a a little bit more. So, just close that off. Let’s go ahead and draw some toes. There, we are just going to draw one curve at the front. Then, one more right beside it for the second toe. We are going to draw that same leg in the back.  Draw the front of the leg. We are going to round up the toe and then we will curve this right to the back behind that leg. Again, we are going to do some toe separations. So, two little curves are okay.

Step 5 – Drawing the hand and the tail

Panda Bear Drawing Step 5

Let’s draw in the arm. We come down to the bottom of the arm right about there. Come up to the top again. From the front, we are going to curve in. It is curving this way towards the left. Then, round out the hand. Then, we are going to come all the way back up to the back of the arm. Let’s go and make some separations for the fingers and draw two angled lines. Let’s draw in the separation for the body detail. There is a stripe there. And then a stripe down there. 

Let’s start with the top one. First, we are going to come behind that arm. Then, continue on towards the back. Curve behind the arm. From there, curve up to the back. Let’s draw one more. We will curve down to the bottom. Then back up to the top. Then, for the tail, we are just going to draw a backwards seat. Just draw a backwards seat like a circle.

Step 6 – Let’s color!

Panda Bear Drawing Step 6

Now, put color on your panda. It is really simple. The markings of this panda bear are black. Fill in the black area, and now you have the Panda bear.

Your Drawing Is Complete Now!

Now, you have a Panda bear from We Bear Bears. We hope you enjoy this lesson on how to draw Panda bear. In the future, when you get better at drawing Panda bear, you may not need to rely on our guide on how to draw Panda bear. You can still follow our steps or you can add your own styles or techniques to Panda drawing. 


Tips on how to draw Panda bear

To create Panda’s iconic eyes, begin by drawing a simple circle. One may compare the black fur surrounding his eyes to a “birthmark.” Make sure to highlight this section, appropriately portraying its size and shape. Your Panda Bear sketch will get life and character by fine-tuning these features. Follow our tutorial on how to draw Panda bear, it is simple for you to try. In our tutorial how to draw Panda bear, we try to keep the iconic features of Panda bear. 


FAQs on how to draw Panda bear 

  1. How can I capture Panda’s timid and delicate personality in the drawing?

Facial expressions and posture are important. Draw Panda with a downward stare and slightly slouched shoulders to convey his bashful personality. His sensitive aspect can be captured in a gentle, neutral expression that highlights his unique individuality on paper.

  1. How can I highlight Panda’s passion for technology, anime, and the arts?

A mobile phone, sketching supplies, or anime posters in the backdrop can all be subtle references to Panda’s passions. Recall that occasionally a character’s story on canvas gains depth from the tiny background details. And stick with our guide on how to draw Panda bear. Our tutorial on how to draw Panda bear is still useful when you draw this Panda. 

  1. What are the materials for drawing a Panda bear?

Take it easy. You just need paper to draw on, a pencil to sketch the outline. And finally, a color to make your Panda bear a real Panda bear. Also, take an eraser with you to fix any mistakes while you draw. And, do not forget to have a reference image.


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Today, we are going to show you how to draw Panda bear from We Bear Bears. One of the main… View More